- Written by Jeanne M. Rideout Jeanne M. Rideout
- Published: 08 September 2019 08 September 2019
- Hits: 2604 2604
(To read original article, click here)
The issue selectmen were looking at was whether to choose a proposal with a higher density and greater tax revenue for the town, or the proposal for a project with a smaller revenue, but a better fit for the neighborhood, selectmen vice-chairman Joshua Reilly had said prior to the vote accepting Zeboski’s proposal.
Preserving the residential character of the South School neighborhood won out as the selectmen voted unanimously to accept Zeboski’s Properties R.E. Company’s $1,010,000 bid.
Part of the Request For Proposals (RFP) put out by the town included a provision to rezone the South School site to fit the accepted proposal.
On Aug. 28, the Holbrook Planning Board reviewed and approved Article 1, rezoning the property to accommodate Zeboski’s plan.
“The density is very modest compared to the other proposal,” said attorney Frank Marinelli of the Braintree-based Marinelli Law Office, who represented Zeboski.
The Zeboski project would generate $300,000 a year in tax revenue for the town, Marinelli said.
An overlay district is a zoning district superimposed on the underlying district. The proposed overlay district for the South School site is comprised of Sub-zone A, limited to the development of single family homes, and Sub-zone B, limited to the two-family and multifamily townhouse development.
“Of the two proposals, the other proposal would have been over-burdensome for the town,” planning board member Paul Anastasio said, comparing the two projects. “In my opinion, this is the better proposal. I have read the proposed article and am comfortable with it. It looks like a decent layout.”
“I’m in favor of it,” board member Christopher Golden said. “The other project would have a much greater impact on the town.”
The board then closed the hearing and voted unanimously, 4-0, in favor of approving the article for the special Town Meeting Warrant.
This was the third round of RFPs put out by the board of the selectmen.
Town Meeting members will vote on a total of 12 articles when the special Town Meeting convenes at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, in the auditorium of the Holbrook Middle-High School, 245 South Franklin St.
Article 2 will deal with various unpaid bills from prior fiscal years.
Article 3 asks if Town Meeting will change the treasurer/collector post from an elected position to an appointed position. This article has been defeated by Town Meeting on several other occasions.
Article 4 requests permission for the town to borrow $1.5 million as Holbrook’s share of the cost of emergency and mechanical repairs to the Holbrook/Randolph Joint Water Treatment Plant.
Article 5 requests Town Meeting to authorize borrowing $4,502,529 for Holbrook’s share of the funding for the new Tri-Town Water Treatment Plant project.
Article 6 asks if Town Meeting will transfer a certain sum of money not yet specified from the stabilization fund to purchase barrels for residents participating in the town’s solid waste program.
Article 7 seeks the authorization of a certain sum of money to provide retroactive pay adjustments for fire department salaries and overtime for for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019.
Article 8 asks if the town will appropriate a sum of up up $9,400 for the lease/purchase of two Harley Davidson motorcycles, one 2018 and the other 2019, for the police department.
Article 9 addresses a funds transfer to the stabilization fund.Article 10 seeks a $3,501.50 appropriation to be used for general road maintenance.
Article 11 addresses the transfer of bond premiums to the public safety building renovations capital project.
Article 12 addresses reallocating borrowed funds to other capital projects.