Bernie & Phils
Braintree, MA
Braintree, MA
Herb Chambers Ford
Auto dealership
Braintree, MA
Herb Chambers Lexus
Auto dealership
Hingham, MA
Quirk Jeep
Auto dealerships
Quirk Volkswagen
Auto dealership
Braintree, MA
Best Buy
Braintree, MA
American Stores Properties (Rite Aid)
Braintree, MA
Development of
CVS Stores
Hingham, Braintree and Holbrook, MA
A.W.Perry/Casa Development, Hingham (Volvo Village) |
American Stores Properties, Inc |
Baby Superstore, Inc. (Babies-R-Us) |
Back Bay Restaurant Group |
Ben & Jerry’s Franchisee |
Bernie & Phyl’s Furniture |
Best Buy Co., Inc. |
Cardi’s Furniture |
Dunkin Donuts franchisee(s) |
Entertainment Tours (now Academy Bus) |
Filene’s |
Five Guys |
Gershman Brown Crowley (developer of CVS stores – Holbrook, Hingham and Braintree) |
Golfer’s Warehouse |
Hanover Mall |
Herb Chambers Derby Street LLC and Other Herb Chamber entities |
Kennedy Carpets |
Legal Seafoods |
Linens N’Things |
McDonald’s Corporation |
Quirk auto dealerships |
South Shore Plaza/Simon |
Southland Corp. |
Sports Authority |
Super Petroleum Inc. |
TGI Fridays/Carlson Restaurant Group |
The Herb Chambers Companies and related entities |
The Vitamin Shoppe |
Tufankjian Toyota |
Walgreens |
Woodmont Development (350,000 s.f. shopping center) |